35 events found.
7:25:00 AM Morning Prayer/Pledge 7:30:00 AM 8:55:00 AM B1 9:00:00 AM 10:45:00 AM B2, Mass and installation 10:50:00 AM 1:00:00 PM B3 Lunch Lunch 1 10:50-11:30 Lunch 2 11:35-12:15 Lunch 3 12:20-1:00 1:05:00 PM 2:30:00 PM B42:30:00 PM Prayer/Dismissal
Lissette Gonzalez, Meteorologist at CBS, speaking to all Broadcast Journalism students
Seniors must register through SCOIR to attend
5525 SW 84th Street
Miami, Florida 33143
Copyright © 2002-2022 Our Lady of Lourdes Academy