
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Mt. 25:40)

Goal of the Service Learning Program

At Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, the goal of the Service Learning Program is to deepen a culture of deliberate Christian action and to instill in the school community a commitment to life-long service. Through the collaboration of the Service Learning Program with various academic disciplines, clubs and sports teams, the goal is that this cycle of learning, acting and reflecting, along with a firm commitment to both charity and justice, becomes part of the character of a student of Lourdes Academy, no matter where she goes in life or what career path she chooses.

Service Learning

Service learning is a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection, as students seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves. In the process, students link personal and social development with academic and cognitive development. Experience enhances understanding; understanding leads to more effective action.

The emphasis of the school’s Service Learning Program is on community—actively responding to the identified needs of the community. As a school, we understand that observing the needs of our community, utilizing our faith to make moral judgments and putting it into action allows us to learn about God, ourselves and our world. This knowledge and self-awareness helps us to commit ourselves to being Christ’s presence in our world, working toward a more just and peaceful society. Because service is one of the ways we live out our faith, fulfillment of the requirements is tied to each student’s Theology grade.

Service Learning Requirement:

  1. Students must complete a total of 100 service hours in order to graduate from Our Lady of Lourdes Academy.
  2. All students must complete a minimum of 25 service hours each school year.
  3. Students must complete at least two (2) of the service projects listed on the pre-approved listing of Service Learning Events. Hours served at pre-approved events count toward the total 25 hours requirement per school year.
  4. Students will be required to create/submit a 1-minute video reflection on one of the two service learning events completed, per year.
Contact Service Learning

Natalia Esnard ’16
Service Learning Coordinator
Phone: (305) 667-1623, ext. 217