The philosophy of all Catholic education is based on and conditioned by the Catholic philosophy of life: each person, endowed with body and soul, has not only a purpose in this world but an eternal destiny. Vatican II states: “A true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to this ultimate goal.” Because education is a preparation for life and not just for a livelihood, it must consider the ultimate purpose of human living and the means by which that purpose is to be realized. Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, therefore, is concerned with imparting knowledge in an atmosphere where spiritual values are acknowledged. We recognize that a personal understanding of duties to country and neighbor is an essential part of education. We believe that these duties are effectively discharged only when each individual understands that the person, the community and the environment are all part of an interlocking relationship with God.

This philosophy aims at the full development of Catholic women. Our Lady of Lourdes Academy responds to the Church’s tradition of education, to the needs of society, and to the desires of our families and students. We hold as a sacred trust the mission of providing for the spiritual, intellectual, moral and physical development of our students.

In order to implement its philosophy, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy recognizes the necessity of planning a curriculum geared to meet the range of intellectual abilities and capabilities of the student body. As most of our students anticipate higher education, the basic course of study is academic. The curriculum also provides a variety of courses for personal enhancement and career preparation. The overall objective of our curriculum is to inculcate good habits of learning, to promote physical fitness, to train the senses and the memory, to stimulate the imagination, and to foster the application of logical solutions to problems. Extracurricular activities encourage the development of leadership, service, creativity and sportsmanship.

Our school acknowledges and emphasizes the importance of each faculty member as one who imparts information and exerts a positive influence on the development of the student. The teachers aim to exemplify, in living, what they profess to teach. Qualified and enthusiastic, they inspire eagerness for wisdom. Respectful, compassionate and humane, they encourage confidence in the weak. Convinced of the harm of ignorance and mediocrity, they inspire students to work, to persevere and to discipline themselves.

Our students live in a community of diverse languages, customs and cultures. Such diversity enriches. Our students are members of this society and share its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy seeks to promote a true sense of self without selfishness and a balance of freedom with concern for the common good. It seeks to build a foundation of truth, religion and patriotism.

The primary aim of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy is that of our Catholic tradition: to graduate young women who face the future, strengthened by their faith, prepared in the arts and sciences, confident in their abilities to achieve their goals in society, and aware of their Catholic and American heritages. We maintain a school dedicated to spiritual formation and excellence in education. Far from isolating students in a parochial way, our school seeks to help them enrich American life with the strengths of Catholic principles for living.


To read the Our Lady of Lourdes Academy Code of Ethics, click HERE