Pledge Commitments to the Annual Fund

The pledge to the Annual Fund of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy is the largest fundraising initiative conducted each year.

After a student’s acceptance to the school, the parents will meet with the Office of Advancement, to become mutually acquainted, answer questions about the school and create an individualized pledge plan.

The pledge requested is $5,000, payable by the end of an enrolled student’s junior year. The amount of each pledge is based on each family’s financial situation. The Annual Fund is vitally important, in order to maintain our tuition within the reach of all families.

Contributions made to the OLLA Annual Fund are used for capital improvements and expenditures, financial assistance to deserving students, enrichment of academic programs, and increasing our Endowment Fund.

It needs to be noted that all monies raised through the Annual Fund have a direct impact on the daily lives of our students, ensuring the high quality academics, athletics and artistic programs that have become the hallmark of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy.

Annual Mail Campaign

The Annual Mail Campaign is Our Lady of Lourdes Academy’s yearly request for donations from parents, alumnae parents, alumnae and friends of the school. These contributions are used to meet the many operational needs of the school. To make a donation, click HERE.

In-Kind Gifts

An in-kind gift is a donation of tangible property or services other than securities/cash.

Honor and Memorial Gifts

You may honor or memorialize a loved one by giving a gift to Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. These gifts are designated for scholarship and/or financial assistance, unless otherwise specified.

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts or deferred gifts allow you to make a significant gift to Our Lady of Lourdes Academy now that will benefit the school in the future. A planned gift can be as simple as remembering Our Lady of Lourdes Academy in your will. There are also gifts which include bequest, life insurance, trusts, retirement accounts and gifts of stock and property.

Matching Gifts

Matching gift programs are corporate-sponsored employee benefits designed to encourage philanthropic support of secondary education. Many companies will double or even triple an employee’s donation to Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. If your company offers a matching gifts program, contact your Human Resources Department to begin the process.

Other Ways

The Office of Advancement provides many volunteer opportunities for parents, alumnae, alumnae parents and friends of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy to be involved in school life. Annual events sponsored by the Parents’ Guild and Alumnae Association also bring the school community together throughout the year.